Championships of the Small States of Europe 2021
Athletics Competition - San Marino 2021
Organization: FSAL - San Marino
SRM SRM - ENTRY LIST31/05 - 19:14
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 SRM SRMEntry List - for Event and Season Best - 31 May 2021 
236MICHELOTTI Melissa1996WHigh Jump WOMEN1.71
239ORSI Giulia2003W800m WOMEN2:28.88
184PACE Rachele2003WLong Jump WOMEN5.83
241ROSSI Eugenio1992MHigh Jump MEN2.12
242SANSOVINI Francesco2000M200m MEN22.30
242SANSOVINI Francesco2000M100m MEN10.84
243SELVA Alessia2000WLong Jump WOMEN5.16
Total: 7
SIGMA: Athletics Events Management System - Ownership: FIDAL - Software Development: AM-Linkweb