Championships of the Small States of Europe 2021
Athletics Competition - San Marino 2021
Organization: FSAL - San Marino
800m WOMEN - RESULTS05/06 - 15:49
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FinalSan Marino Stadium Serravalle - 05 June 2021 - Start Time: 15:43 
Pos.LaneBibAthleteYearCat. MarkPoints
154DAUTI Relaska2001W ALB ALBANIA2:16.028
2733ALAVERDYAN Ellada2000W ARM ARMENIA2:16.107
36101DELIU Albina2000W KOS KOSOVO2:16.396
43104PECI Lirije2000W KOS KOSOVO2:20.28 
54239ORSI Giulia2003W SMR SAN MARINO2:33.105
Intermediate: m. 400: 1.08.9
SIGMA: Athletics Events Management System - Ownership: FIDAL - Software Development: AM-Linkweb