Campionati Italiani Paralimpici Assoluti 2015
2015 Italian Open Championships - IPC ATHLETICS GRAND PRIX
Organization: Atletica Grosseto Banca della Maremma -FISPES - Grosseto
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Last Update - Date: 01 June 2015  /  Time: 18:05 
Field event entry list are unofficial and subject to change in according to merge athlets.
High Jump/HJ T12-20-42-44-46-47 M 
Long Jump/LJ T11-12 M 
Long Jump/LJ T13-35-38 M 
Long Jump/LJ T20 M 
Long Jump/LJ T42-43-44 M 
Long Jump/LJ T45-46-47 M 
Triple Jump/TJ T20-47M 
High Jump/HJ T20 W 
Long Jump/LJ T11-12 W 
Long Jump/LJ T20 W 
Long Jump/LJ T13-20-37-42-46-47 W 
Triple Jump/TJ T12-13 W 
SIGMA: Athletics Events Management System - Ownership: FIDAL - Software Development: AM-Linkweb